Hogan Forecast SuiteHogan is the Gold Standard of Professional Assessments. With over 40 years of experience and industry-leading validity and reliability, Assessments from Hogan become your dashboard to success insight when leadership development and coaching matter most.
There are 3 primary pieces of the Hogan Forecast Suite, however, it is the interplay of the sub=scales that most accurately reflects the strengths and developmental opportunities of a leader or candidate. At ubiquity, we pride ourselves on our ability to interpret these profiles to create the most effective development plans. Ubiquity is a Global Certified Assessment Partner of Hogan Assessments. Let's talk about how we can put these powerful insights to work for you. |
1. HPI: Hogan Personality Inventory
Assesses the bright side of personality using seven scales to predict how people behave when they are at their best:
2. HDS: Hogan Development Survey
Assesses the dark side of personality using 11 scales that concern how people behave when they stop self-managing:
3. MVPI: Motives, Values & Preferences
Assesses the inside of personality using 10 scales that concern core values which are often unconscious, but determine career satisfaction.
Hogan 360 AssessmentUbiquity offers the Hogan 360 survey to evaluate the effectiveness of your managers. Hogan 360 helps Managers identify and prioritize their own development and helps the organization to better focus management training and coaching.
Assessment results combines feedback from Staff, Peers, Supervisors (and Customers), with personalized recommendations to develop specific leadership skills. Hogan 360 is one of the best resources to identify areas of Emotional Intelligence development, including Self Management and Relationship Management. Furthermore, it helps identify how leaders can balance working IN verses ON the business! |
Hogan 360 highlights the Manager's Job Performance in key areas of Leadership Competencies:
Clients use the Hogan 360 to:
OPQ: Occupational Personality InventoryGet accurate, insightful assessments of potential by matching individual work preferences directly to business requirements.
20 minutes to complete. 37 languages supported Appropriate For Executive, Director, Manager, High-Potentials and Candidate Selection. Also appropriate for GROUPS. |
PXT-SelectThe PXT Select assessment measures how well an individual fits specific jobs in your organization. The “job matching” feature of the PXT is unique, and it enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the qualities required to successfully perform in a specific job. It is used throughout the employee life cycle for selection, on-boarding, managing, succession planning and strategic workforce planning.
The PXT reveals consistent, in-depth, objective insight into an individual's thinking and reasoning style, relevant behavioral traits, occupational interests, and match to specific jobs in your organization. It helps your managers interview and select people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role, and provides practical recommendations for coaching them to maximum performance. It also gives your organization consistent language and metrics to support strategic workforce and succession planning, talent management and reorganization efforts. Appropriate For Board Members, Executive, Director, Manager and High-Potential |
16 PersonalitiesMany Personality Assessments are either Trait-based (DiSC) or Type-based (Myers-Briggs). This model combines the best of both.
"16P" uses the acronym format introduced by Myers-Briggs for its simplicity and convenience, with an extra letter to accommodate five rather than four scales. However, unlike Myers-Briggs, we have not incorporated Jungian concepts such as cognitive functions, or their prioritization. Jungian concepts are difficult to measure and validate scientifically, so we rebalance the dimensions of personality called the Big Five personality traits, a model that dominates modern psychological and social research.
Personality types are based on five independent spectrums, with all letters in the type code (e.g. INFJ-A) referring to one of the two sides of the corresponding spectrum. See where you fall on each scale by completing the free personality assessment, NERIS Type Explorer®. |
Strength-Based LeadershipDo you have an opportunity to do what you do best every day? Chances are, you don't.
All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. In recent years, while continuing to learn more about strengths, Gallup scientists have also been examining decades of data on the topic of leadership. They studied more than 1 million work teams, conducted more than 20,000 in-depth interviews with leaders and even interviewed more than 10,000 followers around the world to ask exactly why they followed the most important leader in their life. Some of the themes highlighted include:
The assessment results provide you with specific strategies for leading with your top five strengths and enables you to plot the strengths of your team based on the four domains of leadership strength that are revealed. |
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